Logging in to Wholster
Navigate to wholster.com
Step 1: Go to petparentswholesale.com and click "Current Pawtners", then select "Place an Order" and "Log in" or go to the home page and click "Log in Here" or through this link: https://wholester.io/
Step 2: Login with your Wholster account.
Step 3: Begin your order by clicking "Start Order".
Step 4: Now you can scroll through all products we offer and click the cart icon (you select sizes/variations in your cart later).
Step 5: From here you can select sizes and quantities you'd like for each item. Simply type the number of each size you'd like in the blue area. (Please remember, MOQ is $100.)
Step 6: After adding quantities to sizes, scroll up to the top, click "Checkout" to complete your order or "Browse" to add more items.
Step 7: Now you can select which payment you'd like, review your order, and click "Confirm Order".
Step 8: Now wait for our Partner Success team to review your order, add the shipping cost, and charge your account/card!
- You can expect your shipment 3-6 days after we've confirmed your order and charged your account.