Creating an order in Wholster

There are many ways to go about putting in your order through wholster, in this article we will be walking you through ordering via catalog view.

Step 1: Once you have logged in to your Wholster account you will be taken to your catalog screen. Select "start order" to start your order with us!

Once you have have started the order you will be taken to our online catalog page. In this view you are able to see your order number, filter by product category, and add items to your cart.

Step 2: Select the green cart icon to add it to cart. You will select more options such as size and quantity in the next step.

Step 3: Once you have added all of the items you would like, select "view cart" in the upper right hand corner. Then you can start putting in the quantity for each size and item.

Step 4: Verify that your shipping address, billing address and cart information is correct

Step 5: Select "checkout" in the upper right hand corner.

Step 6: Verify that your card information, email and items are correct in your summary.

From there, your order is submitted to our partner success team for review. They will then add the shipping cost, make any changes you may need, and then let you know when it has been submitted to the fulfillment team!

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